Dashboard Glossary

Shoppable provides over 40 data points that help you analyze the performance of your e-commerce initiatives. You can use these data points in near-real time to optimize. Below are the descriptions for terms included in the Shoppable Dashboard.

Stat Type Explanations
Total Orders Total number of orders that are completed and canceled
Add to Cart Rate Number of sessions with at least one Add to Cart event, divided by Total Sessions
Total Revenue Total revenue based on completed orders
Average Order AOV of both completed and canceled orders
Order Analysis Breakdown of completed versus canceled orders
Opt-ins Users opted in to receive marketing emails
Revenue per Month Total revenue and quantity for completed orders (GMV)
Revenue by State Total revenue of completed orders by state
No Shopping Activity Churn Rate - based on sessions - users that leave w/o any shopping activity
No Cart Addition users that view at least one product but no addition to cart
Cart Abandonment Add an item to the cart but leave before checking out
Checkout Abandonment Users that start checkout process but do not complete it.
Campaign Revenue Revenue generated by named campaigns tracked by GA through UTM codes
Top 5 Retailers Add to Cart and product checkout results by retailer in GA
Shopper Intent ATC YTD divided by Prod Views x 100
Bounce Rate Single-page sessions divided by all sessions
User Analysis New vs returning users
Device Usage Mobile vs tablet vs desktop
Conversion Rate Total completed and canceled orders divided by product views
Total Sessions Total number of session in the given time frame
Average Time Displays the average amount of time that visitors spend on a page of your site during Google Analytics sessions that are attributed to clicks on search or social objects.
Product Views Number of times users viewed the product-detail page
User Age Analysis Sessions based on shopper age
Gender Usage Sessions based on shopper gender
Top 5 Products Top 5 selling products by quantity
Top Traffic Sources Top traffic sources with revenues over $0