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Shoppable® DTC Lite v6 Setup Guide

This article will help you setup DTC Lite V6 set up on your website or blog.

What is DTC LITE?

Shoppable® DTC Lite is a standardized Shoppable product that helps you embed Shoppable ecommerce technology on an existing faster. 


Attaching the Script

Start attaching the script tag to the head of your page. It is small in size and won't delay loading of your page. Use “https://cdn.shoppable.com/dtc6/dtc.all.min.js" as production src

 data-token=“<<Your Cart Token>>" 
//  src=“https://cdn.shoppable.com/dtc6/dtc.all.min.js” *production

Shopping Cart Element

Here is a sample cart icon for your DTC enabled website. With the following element you will toggle the Shoppable Cart and display the number of items in the cart. There must be an empty element with “#shoppable-cart-quantity” id in DOM. Script will find the element and update the contents of it. 

<button class=“" href="#" id=“shoppable-cart-button”
 <span class=“" id=“shoppable-cart-quantity”>0</span>
 <svg class="" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5"
    viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    <path d="M15.75 10.5V6a3.75 3.75 0 1 0-7.5 0v4.5m11.356-1.993 1.263 12c.07.665-.45 1.243-1.119 1.243H4.25a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.12-1.243l1.264-12A1.125 1.125 0 0 1 5.513 7.5h12.974c.576 0 1.059.435 1.119 1.007ZM8.625 10.5a.375.375 0 1 1-.75 0 .375.375 0 0 1 .75 0Zm7.5 0a.375.375 0 1 1-.75 0 .375.375 0 0 1 .75 0Z" stroke-linecap=“round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>

Add to Cart function

Sample add to cart function is as follows. Products object will carry an array of products that will be added to cart. Product name will be used in the preview when the product is being added to cart. With this function you can combine multiple products as a bundle and add them to cart simultaneously. If you provide more than one product variation will be disregarded and set as false.

products.upc = Barcode code of the product that will be added to cart
products.name = Name of the product, this will be shown in the loader
product.quantity = number of the products that will be added to cart
variation = If variation set to true cart will display a variation selector to shopper (as in beta this is set to false all the time)

 products: [{
variation: boolean
Sample button can look like this
<a onclick="window.addToShoppableCart({
 products: [{
   name:’Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes - 168ct’,
 variation: false
})”>Buy Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes - 168ct</a>
Adding Multiple Products (Product Bundles) to the Cart
The addToShoppableCart function supports adding multiple products at once by accepting an array of product objects. Each product object should include the upcname, and quantity properties. When multiple products are provided, the variation parameter is automatically set to false, as variation selection is not supported for bundles.Function Parameters:
  • products: An array of product objects to be added to the cart.
    • upc (string): The Universal Product Code of the product.
    • name (string): The name of the product, displayed during the add-to-cart process.
    • quantity (number): The number of units to add.
  • variation (boolean): Determines if a variation selector is displayed. Set to false when adding multiple products.
Example Usage:
To add a bundle of products with a single click, implement the following code:
<a onclick="window.addToShoppableCart({
products: [
upc: '03616302990115',
name: 'Kind and Free Moisturizer',
quantity: 1
upc: '03616304350474',
name: 'Lasting Mega Matte',
quantity: 1
variation: false
})">Buy Bundle</a>


In this example, clicking the "Buy Bundle" link adds both the "Kind and Free Moisturizer" and the "Lasting Mega Matte" products to the cart simultaneously.

Cart Events

With DTC v6 we are broadcasting cart events through window object. Therefore, you must listen to shoppable events as in the sample code below. 

window.addEventListener("onCartLoaded", (event)=>{
 const cartContent = event.detail.cartContent
 const eventSpecificData = event.detail.eventSpecificData
 const eventName = event.type
  console.log(eventName, JSON.stringify(cartContent), JSON.stringify(eventSpecificData))


cartContent will carry the up-to-date cart status (except onCartOpened and onCartClosed event) with available merchants and products in it. Available events and events specific data related to the events are as follows. Please note these events and data is subject to change and this document will be updated correspondingly. cartContent object is as follows:

 “logo”:"merchant log",
   “name":"product name”,
   “upc”:"upc code",
   “images”:["image url"],
   “variantLabel":"variation label”,
   “color":"Product color”,
   “availability": [{
     “logo”:"merchant log",




null (cartContent will also be null)


null (cartContent will also be null)




string: Reason for cart failure 


Product[]: array of products that are added to cart


Product: product object that is removed to cart


Product: product object prior to quantity change


Product: product object with prior merchant




boolean: Shopper consent choice for substitute


boolean: Shopper’s consent choice for marketing


string: identifier for wallet used for express checkout ex: apple_pay




string: Reason for payment failure


string: Order number



Address Validation

DTC Lite V6:

Shoppable controls the checkout so address validation is done by Shoppable within the widget. Shoppable has implemented rules that require the validation to pass all checkpoints when the shopper places the order.