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What patents do you hold, and why is that important?

Shoppable® is an innovative e-commerce company that currently holds two patents for Universal Checkout technology (also known as Multiple-Retailer Checkout technology).


Shoppable® is an innovative e-commerce company that currently holds two patents for Universal Checkout technology (also known as Multiple-Retailer Checkout technology). This means that only Shoppable has the right to license out universal checkout technology to other parties.

Shoppable's technology is protected by U.S. Patents No. 9,697,563, Patent No 10592966, and 11,222,381. Additional details are available at The United States Patent & Trademark Office website at USPTO.gov

These patents not only protect Shoppable's inventions and business, but they also give our customers peace of mind that they are licensing software and technology from a reputable company that has full rights and ownership over the license you are buying.