This article goes into a detailed step-by-step process of how a customer can test on staging before moving to the production environment on DTC Lite V6.
Step 1:
Our customer will need to provide the staging domain name that Shoppable's software will be running on.
Step 2:
If this is a brand-new DTC account, please contact your customer success manager to set up the cart builder. This cart builder is what will be mirrored on your staging website throughout the checkout process.
Step 3:
Shoppable will attach the specified merchants to each account that was created and will set the domain name provided that the DTC v6 will run on.
Step 4:
Shoppable will provide the customer with the cart token and the API credentials that can be used in the campaigns. Each Shoppable account has a separate token and separate API credentials.
- One set of tokens will be provided for the staging environment, and another set of tokens will be provided once the customer is ready to move to production.
Staging Environment and Testing
For testing and development purposes a staging environment is available. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or submit a ticket for your staging credentials. Please use the below endpoints for:
Script src:
Checkout API endpoint:
Testing Scenarios: To complete tests for different payment issue scenarios, please refer to Stripe's testing page for test cards and respective scenarios.